ELROY CRUISE (Writer, Director, Producer)


Elroy Cruise always wanted to make films, but when the digital revolution happened and film died, Elroy struggled to find a unique way to tell a story with the new technology in a way that was impossible for film to accomplish. What he came up with was the idea of shooting a movie without the use of montage…for a century of cinema-history it was impossible to make a feature-film without visual editing, but the advent of the new millennium brought movies that broke that boundary. The single-take movie was an early gimmick that passed quickly, but Elroy Cruise saw it as the first new real film movement in half a century.

Eager to try his hand at a single-take movie, Elroy wrote Bodysnatched (79 pages, writing started 11-5-2010, finished 4-8-2011, revised 2-22-2013). He spent the next year working as Assistant Director on Sid the Squid’s I Stand at the Doorway, but then it was his turn to make his cinematic experiment. There were four days of rehearsals, and only one day of shooting, where the script was performed four times (production dates: 6-8-2013, 6-15-2013, 6-22-2013, 6-29-2013, 6-30-2013). After it was all said and done, there was only one usable take…but that’s all that was needed. Bodysnatched was released to Youtube on 1-13-2019, and since shooting wrapped, Elroy Cruise has moved into a Producer role in Sinister Industries, working on Sid the Squid’s project BOARD GAME: The Movie, and also working on his screenplay for a future passion-project.


BODYSNATCHED (released 1-13-2019, 70 min)

THE LOW-DOWN (in development)


BODYSNATCHED (finished 4-8-2011, 79 pages)



January 1, 2020

Elroy Cruise here: at the begining of the month I pledged to finally write my passion-project, and after 30 days of work I accomplished...only 8 pages. In my defense, I've been a little side-tracked at my day-job, but thankfully Sinister Industries has had a busy year regardless. We released a pair of features, started production on a new feature, and completed 6 screenplays, with one of the "screenplays" being a full season for a TV-sitcom. Hopefully next year we will be just as productive.


December 8, 2019

Elroy Cruise here...so a decade ago I began writing the script for my passion-project, a long-take extravaganza in 3-D titled TIME FOR LOVE. Over the intervening years, I completed drafts of the first two Acts (out of the total 3 Acts) but the project always remained on the back-burner...mostly due to the fact that I was terrified of messing it up. At the beginning of this month I started completely rewriting it from scratch in between documentary-editing sessions, but I didn't want to make an official declaration at the time because this project is probably too difficult to tackle in the standard 30-day deadline that Sid the Squid sets for his own scripts. I've got 8 pages done in 8 days so far...I might be lucky to get an Act done in a month, but this script is finally getting written one way or another.

January 13, 2019

Finally released Bodysnatched today after wrapping production 5-and-a—half years ago.

December 1, 2018

So now that it is December 1st, we'd like to announce plans to release our single-take movie BODYSNATCHED to the Sinister Industries Youtube Channel when the New Year rings in...T-minus 31 days.

June 2, 2018

Just submitted Bodysnatched to 2 more film festivals. That makes 4 fests total...here's hoping that one of them sticks.

May 30, 2018

Just submitted BODYSNATCHED to two Pennsylvania film festivals, as well as submitting it for consideration to the local art-house theater. Time to roll the dice.

May 12, 2018

Finished with the Bodysnatched Trailer…I'm just as proud of this trailer as I am of the movie itself.

May 5, 2018

Did a bunch of work on the Bodysnatched trailer today, as well as working on getting Bodysnatched itself ready for release.

April 25, 2018

Working on a trailer for Bodysnatched. It's an unconventional movie (shot in a single 70 minute take) so it will require an unconventional trailer.

December 13, 2016

Finishing the music mix for BODYSNATCHED...will christmas come early this year?


June 30, 2013

Production for feature film BODYSNATCHED finished. Too tired to say anything witty about it.


June 30, 2013

Got to the location or early, started meditating. I am at one with the world. I am at peace. I'm going to rock this motherfucker today.


June 29, 2013

Day 1 of a 2 day intensive shooting weekend for feature film BODYSNATCHED. There's nothing quite like the first day of shooting that will make you completely despair your life...thankfully the last day of shooting is when the magic happens. This shit is so close i can taste it.


June 22, 2013

Day 3 of production on feature film BODYSNATCHED. This was one small step for man, and one giant leap for meth-addicts everywhere. Rapidly approaching solid-gold.


June 15, 2013

Feature film BODYSNATCHED...day 2 of production: added camera and voice recorders into the mix. Wish I had a wide-angle lens, but I will next week thankfully. Things starting to shape up.


June 14, 2013

Tomorrow: day 2 of rehearsals for feature film BODYSNATCHED. Nothing is more exciting than the production phase of a project.


June 8, 2013

Feature film BODYSNATCHED has moved out of pre-production and is finally in production after about 2 years in production-hell. First day of rehearsals went well. I can already smell that the project is going to be a success.

May 31, 2013

Long day, hard work, high temps...but at least now the location is starting to look like a respectable meth-house.


May 30, 2013

Progress on BODYSNATCHED: Casting...completed. Pre-production...nearing completion. First rehearsal...12:00, June 8th at the shooting location.