GRANT DYNASTY (Writer, Director, Producer, Editor)


Grant Dynasty’s film career began as a Production Assistant on the first Sinister Industries production. From there he began taking on more and more roles, finally working his way up to the position of Assistant Director, all while he spent his evenings writing screenplays. It soon became apparent that Grant wanted a chance to put his hands on the controls, but he wasn’t interested in narrative cinema like the other members of Sinister Industries … Grant wanted to make documentaries.

Grant’s first film-subject was a reclusive acquaintance he knew that created elaborate dioramas out of matchbox-cars and G.I. Joes. The deeper Grant continued to dig, however, the stranger this character became. Over the course of an 8 month period, Grant shot enough footage to fill a TV-series, but then whittled it down to the length of a short feature-film. He looks forward to creating many new projects under the Sinister Industries banner, as well as adding a new style of movie to the content-collection.


EDD’$ FIELDS: The Dioramas of Outsider Artist Thomas John William Rowell (released 7-9-2020, 73 minutes)

DETH 2: An Experiment in the Unknown (in post-production)


SPECIAL FEATURE (finished 7-26-2015, 78 pages)

MACBETH*, Adapted from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (finished 11-23-2018, 85 pages)

THE FALL OF THEATER, Adapted from Elder F. Endsley’s Paperface (finished 7-26-2019, 81 pages)


July 3, 2020

Doing my last fine-tuning of EDD'$ FIELDS...10 minutes out of 76 done. Hopefully this means it will be released in a week.

June 30, 2020

Finished the color-correction on EDD'$ FIELDS...only took a day instead of a week. Eager to release this thing soon.

June 29, 2020

Finally brought my tripod home from the location after shooting my final insert footage for the new Sinister Industries documentary EDD'$ FIELDS. After spending all of last week fine-tuning the rough-cut, I just need to tackle the color-correction and audio-mix, and then I can release it.

June 22, 2020

Just finished what is hopefully my last session of shooting insert-footage for EDD'$ FIELDS. Today I attempted to shoot some stop-motion animation, and since that is something I've never tried before, I might end up shooting another session just to get the method right. Now that I have a completed rough-cut, I'm anticipating about a week of audio-mixing, a week of color correction, and a week or two of tinkering.

June 21, 2020

Spent all week editing the new documentary project EDD'$ FIELDS: THE DIORAMAS OF OUTSIDER ARTIST THOMAS JOHN WILLIAM this point I have a mostly complete rough-cut finished running at 75 minutes. There are still a few insert shots which I plan on shooting tomorrow, but now that I can see how all the footage comes together, I'm a lot happier with the project than when I first started (half the displays were still being built when I started shooting).

June 13, 2020

Been editing nonstop on EDD'$ FIELDS for the past couple of days. I've got a 70 minute rough-cut so far, and only 1 section left to assemble, so I should be able to keep the runtime under 80 minutes thankfully. Right now I'm messing around with the cell-phone footage I shot for the documentary, and if I'm happy with the results it could open up a whole new realm of possibilities for shooting films.

June 8, 2020

Been doing some editing on EDD'$ FIELDS...I have about an hour of rough-cut done so far, and only 2 more sections left to assemble. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

June 2, 2020

On May 18th I declared that it was my intent to edit and release a movie in only 30 days, but I'm afraid that I will not be able to meet that goal. I caught a case of Coronavirus 9 days ago, and it put me out of commission for a while...but now I finally beat that thing and am getting back to editing. Stay safe out there everyone.

May 23, 2020

Spent most of the day editing on EDD'$ FIELDS, and I'm up to 45 minutes of rough-cut, which means I have to trim five minutes off of what I have so far to make room for the rest of the content...not too much bloat to deal with at this point, so hopefully it doesnt grow out of control by the end.

May 22, 2020

More editing on EDD'$ FIELDS today. Got 22 minutes of rough-cut done so far, and the next section is pretty much already edited, so it would be fair to say that I'm about halfway done with the rough-cut at this point.

May 20, 2020

Shot some insert footage today for EDD'$ FIELDS...been uploading and editing for the remainder of the day. I'm up to 16 minutes of rough-cut so far.

May 18, 2020

Shot a little bit of pick-up footage, now I'm gonna start post-production today on EDD'$ FIELDS: THE DIORAMAS OF OUTSIDER ARTIST THOMAS JOHN WILLIAM ROWELL....since I'm on quarantine right now, I'm gonna set a ridiculous release-date in only 30 days, and see if I can finish all the work by then...stay tuned for new content in a month.

May 12, 2020

Spent the past couple of days watching and tagging all the footage for EDD'$ FIELDS...ready to start editing the rough cut soon.

May 8, 2020

Spent all day uploading the last of the footage for EDD'$ FIELDS, and syncing it up in the timeline. Already got approximately 50% of a rough-cut done, so I'm hoping the post-production process won't take too long.

May 7, 2020

Had my final day of production on the new documentary EDD'$ FIELDS. There may be one more day of pickup shooting in a few weeks, but for now that's a wrap.

May 6, 2020

Another day of shooting documentary footage, uploading it, and charging all the batteries again...glad I've only got another day of production left.

May 5, 2020

Shot of bunch more footage for the new documentary EDD'$ FIELDS: THE DIORAMAS OF OUTSIDER ARTIST THOMAS JOHN WILLIAM ROWELL...uploading the footage right now, only another day or two until production wraps.

May 4, 2020

Shot some more footage for EDD'$ FIELDS, the new documentary from Sinister Industries. Ran out all the batteries on all my cameras today...even my phone battery when I switched over to shooting on that. This will be the last week of production on this project, and I'm excited to wrap things up soon.

May 3, 2020

Released the trailer for my debut documentary to the Sinister Industries Youtube channel … everything is starting to come together.

May 2, 2020

Shooting more documentary footage for the new Sinister Industries project today...then later I'm gonna start digitizing all the found footage I've aquired over the years from buying old cameras.

April 23, 2020

Spent tuesday and wednesday shooting b-roll and assorted interviews for the new Sinister Industries documentary project, and spent yesterday and today uploading and sorting all the footage. Approaching the end of this project and gearing up to start the next.


April 19, 2020

Started shooting the end of the new Sinister Industries documentary project...excited to wrap things up soon.


April 10, 2020

Spent all week editing on a new trailer for the youtube channel...keep your eyes peeled for new content soon.


March 12, 2020

Shot another hour of footage for the new documentary project...been on hiatus for a little while. Only one display left to shoot until the project is done now...probably in April.


December 1, 2019

Just spent all day editing an hour of documentary-footage down to a 15-minute scene, only to decide afterwards that the entire scene wasn't going to make it into the final film anyway...maybe it'll get released as a deleted scene on the Sinister Industries Youtube channel someday.


November 30, 2019

Editing on the new documentary project this weekend. Got a semi-assembled cut that runs about 2 hours long, and while I'm sure I can whittle it down to the runtime I want, I still have about a quarter of the movie to shoot yet.


November 17, 2019

Shot another hour of footage for the new documentary EDD'$ FIELDS today. Most of my production sessions begin by setting up multiple recorders, and end after most of them malfunction/die/run out of storage I even started recording on my cell-phone after the battery on my secondary camera died.


November 16, 2019

Spent the day editing the new Sinister Industries documentary EDD'$ FIELDS, and also shot another hour of footage for it tonight...the more footage I shoot, the harder it will be to keep the runtime down to 70-minutes.


November 9, 2019

Finished combing my way through a dozen hours of documentary I can spend the rest of the weekend cutting it together.


November 4, 2019

Did a bunch of editing on the new documentary tonight. I've got the beginning assembled, as well as two other scenes that will definitely make the final-cut. Got about 20-minutes of I just need to fill in the gaps.


November 3, 2019

Shot another hour of documentary footage today. I wasn't even sure if this was going to be a project I was going to release, but after editing some of it together, I'm pretty sure I got what I need.


November 2, 2019

Shot another hour of documentary footage, totalling about 10 hours now. I'm gonna start piecing it together this weekend and see what I have.


October 28, 2019

Shot some more footage for an upcoming documentary.


October 23, 2019

Shot some more footage for a new documentary project again tonight. I also just bought my first laser-jet printer; I was skeptical at first because it only uses black ink, but that thing can print off a whole screenplay in less than five minutes...I'm never going back to ink-jet.


October 22, 2019

Shot a couple more hours of footage for a new documentary project tonight.


October 14, 2019

Shot another hour of footage for a new project tonight...not sure what it will turn into.


October 12, 2019

Finished day one of production on a new Sinister Industries feature film, a documentary about a reclusive outsider artist. Planned on shooting for only an hour, ended up shooting for a full 4 hours. Uploading and organizing the footage tonight.

July 26, 2019

Finished writing my newest screenplay THE FALL OF THEATER, adapted from the Elder F. Endsley play PAPERFACE...80 pages in only 12 days, which happens to be my personal best for fastest script written. At first I was a little dismayed at how similar this one is to my earlier script called Special Feature, but as I found out in Act 3, this script is actually a stand-alone sequel to Special Feature...which is interesting because Special Feature ends with a post-script specifically claiming that there will be no sequel.


July 21, 2019

Finished writing Act 2 of my new screenplay THE FALL OF THEATER, adapted from the Elder F. Endsley play PAPERFACE...55 pages in only 8 days. In all honesty I would be done by now, but I wasted this weekend rather than wisely using my time to finish working on it.


July 16, 2019

Finished writing Act 1 of my new script THE FALL OF THEATER, adapted from Elder F. Endsley's PAPERFACE. I've got 22 pages in only 3 days, and used exactly one page of the source-material so far...Act 1 of the theater-play starts at the begining the screenplay's Act 2.


July 14, 2019

Starting another script, because why not...setting the timer at T-minus 30 days. This one is called THE FALL OF THEATER! and it is an adaptation of a play titled PAPERFACE by Elder F. Endsley. This screenplay is unique in the fact that it can only be shot on film rather than a digital medium.

November 22, 2019 

Finished my third screenplay of the year, MACBETH* ... I predicted 80 pages, but ended up with 90 pages in 27 days (and the next 3 days of polishing the script are sure to add another one or two pages to the tally). This might be one of the hardest screenplays I've ever written (as well as one of the most complex), but on the bright side, at least I'll never have to read MacBeth again.

November 11, 2019

Finishing the second Act of my new script MACBETH* today. 55 pages in 16 days...only got 2 more weeks to hit my 80 page target. I've never adapted someone else's story before, so now I understand why the Oscars have different awards for adapted and original screenplays...they require different skill-sets.

November 1, 2019

Just finished writing Act 1 of my new script MACBETH*. 24 pages in only 5 days...25 days left to produce a completed script in. So, you would probably think that since I am just adapting a story that has already been written countless times before, that it would be an easy task, but truth be told I have to work twice as long just to crank out a single page due to all the research involved...I'm gonna need all 30 days to make this script fly.

October 27, 2019

Ok, figured I might as well get started on my last script for the year: MACBETH*. I wrote the first 5 pages about 2 years ago, I guess I just have to pick up where I left off and run with it. That only gives me thirty days left to finish it. I feel up to the challenge.