
SID THE SQUID (Writer, Director, Editor, Animator)


Sid the Squid first started experimenting with screenwriting in 2005. After a few failed attempts, The first completed screenplay by The Squid arrived a year later. It was called MedioCORE, Or How Misfortune Made Martin Moyer’s Movie-Career (77 pages, writing started on 6-26-2006, finished 12-4-2006, revised 11-29-2018). Emboldened by this success, The Squid eagerly pursued film-directing as a means of bringing the screenplays to life, but faced as many early failures in filmmaking as in screenwriting. The Squid’s first failed production resulted in one remaining Fragment, a short animation, which also happens to be the first mention of Sinister Industries as a production company (2007). Other failed attempts at filmmaking followed, but it wasn’t until The Squid met Elroy Cruise in 2011 at a showing of Denis Villenevue’s Incendies.

They met for a cup of coffee afterwards; Elroy told The Squid about an ambitious script called Bodysnatched that he had just finished writing, and The Squid told him about Sinister Industries. They made a pact right there to help each other realize their filmmaking dreams, no matter what the cost. Bodysnatched was a good script, but it was too ambitious for a pair of first-time filmmakers, so The Squid cranked out a quick slasher-script called I Stand at the Doorway (59 pages, writing started on 3-23-2012, finished on 6-16-2012). They shot it over two days on an island in the middle of the Susquehanna River (Production dates: 9-16-2012, 9-17-2012). It wasn’t until The Squid began editing it that it became apparent that they only had half a film in the can. Unwilling to accept another failure, The Squid cranked out a second half to I Stand at the Doorway (43 pages, finished 11-23-2012) and shot for 4 more sessions (production dates: 11-24-2012, 11-25-2012, 1-5-2012, 1-6-2013.) A cut of the movie was released onto Youtube on 5-22-2016 with a runtime of 70 minutes.


I Stand at the Doorway (released 5-22-2016, 70 minutes)


BOARD GAME: Part One (released 4-1-2018, 36 minutes)

BOARD GAME: Part Two (released 10-5-2019, 36 minutes)

DETH 2: An Experiment in the Unknown (in post-production)


MedioCORE, Or How Misfortune Made Martin Moyer’s Movie-Career (finished 12-4-2006, 77 pages)

I Stand at the Doorway (finished 11-23-2012, 102 pages)

Hook Variations (finished 2-19-2014, 92 pages)

BOARD GAME: The Movie (finished 11-26-2016, 70 pages)

Found Footage (finished 2-16-2017, 72 pages)

FRIDAY THE 13TH: First Friday (finished 10-15-2018, 74 pages)


Episode 1: Voice From Beyond (finished 2-11-2019, 29 pages)

Episode 2: ? (finished 2-12-2019, 26 pages)

Episode 3: The Mystery House (finished 2-14-2019, 27 pages)

Episode 4: The Blur (finished 2-16-2019, 27 pages)

Episode 5: Shadowlands (finished 2-19-2019, 25 pages)

Episode 6: The End of the World (finished 2-23-2019, 27 pages)

Episode 7: The Christmas Episode (finished 2-28-2019, 26 pages)

Last Man on the Mound (finished 7-4-2019, 89 pages)

Into the Deadlands (finished 8-7-2019, 71 pages)

The Denizens of Coalkeep (finished 10-20-10, 97 pages)

Legs (finished 7-25-2020, 75 pages)

I Will Breathe No More Forever (finished 9-16-2020, 71 pages)


December 25, 2019

Today is the day that the Sinister Industries film I STAND AT THE DOORWAY finally hit 5000 views on Youtube...Merry Christmas. 

November 3, 2019

Went out today to have lunch with a local fan who watched all my movies and wanted to meet me and talk about them...finally living the filmmaker life.

October 20, 2019

Finished writing my new horror-script The Denizens of Coalkeep...97 pages in only 15 days. Three-act story-structure has become boring to me over time, so with my recent screenplays I've been experimenting with what I call the Left-turn structure, where a story starts out in one genre, and ends in another genre...my newest script is a cosmic-horror story for the first 2 acts, then it takes a left-turn into absurdity in the final act, which undermines the earlier dread of the story...might be my best horror-script yet.

October 17, 2019

Finished writing act 2 of my new horror script The Denizens of Coalkeep. 60 pages in 11 days so far, and it has only gone from weird to weirder...Halloween is right around the corner.


October 13, 2019

Finished writing the first act of my new horror script The Denizens of Coalkeep...31 pages in 8 days. I'm a huge fan of the work of H.P. Lovecraft, so this is my first attempt at the sub-genre of cosmic-horror...only 18 more days until Halloween.


October 6, 2019

Last year I wrote a horror-script for the month of October (my Friday the 13th prequel First Friday) so I'm planning on continuing the tradition this year. Unfortunately I'm getting a bit of a late start, since I released BOARD GAME: Part Two a couple of days later than I planned on...can I finish a new script by Halloween?


October 5, 2019

Just in time for the Halloween season, the thrilling conclusion to BOARD GAME: The Movie...so pop some popcorn, turn the lights down low, and share with a friend. 


September 28, 2019

Doing one final extensive polish on BOARD GAME: Part Two this weekend, then uploading it just in time for October.


September 22, 2019

Finished my latest (and hopefully last) round of polishing on BOARD GAME: Part Two...going to upload a test version to Youtube (as a private video) and if I havent discovered any glaring errors by next week, I'll probably make it public.


September 17, 2019

Reviewed BOARD GAME: Part Two again, and came up with a 23-point list of issues that need fixed before release...very soon.


September 15, 2019

Finishing another round of polishing on my rough-cut of BOARD GAME: Part Two. Probably gonna upload it to my Youtube channel in a week or two.


September 13, 2019

Added a short-scene to two scripts of mine tonight; FOUND FOOTAGE and FRIDAY THE 13TH: First Friday (just in time for the 13th). Glad to add to these scripts because both are too short.


September 7, 2019

Reviewed my rough-cut of BOARD GAME: Part Two and came up with 30 points that need addressed before I can release it. I could probably come up with over a hundred points if I went over it with a fine-toothed comb, but it's not like spending another year on this will make it any better.


August 31, 2019

Finishing the audio-mix on BOARD GAME: Part Two this weekend. Once this last major hurdle is out of the way, I should be able to release it soon.


August 28, 2019

More audio mixing on BOARD GAME: Part Two...15 minutes out of 35 done.


August 27, 2019

Working on the audio mix for BOARD GAME: Part Two. I've got 8 minutes out of 35 done so far.


August 13, 2019

Working on the audio mix for BOARD GAME: Part Two...this is without a doubt my least favorite part of the filmmaking process, solely because I can't listen to music in the background while I do it.


August 7, 2019

I wanted to set a personal record for fastest screenplay written, so on Saturday I started writing a new zombie/cyberpunk script called Into the Deadlands, and tonight I finished it at 70 pages with only 5 days invested. If that impresses you, let me tell you...this is one of my worst scripts. Its got sloppy pacing, tons of exposition dumps, and a 2 Act structure (which I've always felt to be inferior to 3 or 4 Act structures). On the plus side, it's got a lot of good ideas, and builds an interesting world, so I might end up posting it on my website someday.

July 4, 2019

Finished Act 3 on my latest script Last Man on the Mound. 90 pages in 29 days...I barely spent any of that time writing, so I honestly didn't think I was going to finish it in a month, but I made my deadline.


July 4, 2019

Finished writing Act 2 of my new baseball/horror script called Last Man on the Mound. So far I have 58 pages done in 28 days...which is simply an abysmal pace. If I don't have this thing done by the weekend, I'm gonna feel a little embarrased.


June 14, 2019

Finished writing Act 1 of my new baseball/horror script called Last Man on the Mound. Using 10-pages of a previous 40-page treatment as the basis for Act 1, I expanded it into 29 pages in 9 days, which isn't a terrible pace considering that this Act is all about a subject I know very little about...baseball.


June 6, 2019

Starting a new script tonight called Last Man on the Mound...it's a baseball/horror script. On one hand, this should be a real challenge considering that I know nothing about baseball, but on the other hand, I already wrote a 40-page treatment for this script back in 2005 as my first attempt at a screenplay, so this one shouldn't take too long to finish...excited to finally bring this story to life properly.


May 11, 2019

Spending the next week working on the audio mix for BOARD GAME: Part Two. This should be the last major hurdle to overcome before I can release it.


April 28, 2019

Imported the final shot for BOARD GAME: Part Two and put it into the credits. Now I'm piecing together the final tracks for the musical soundtrack. Might have a new rough cut burned by tonight.


April 27, 2019

Just finished shooting the final shot for BOARD GAME: Part Two...now that I have all the visual and audio elements (as well as a 90% complete cut), it shouldn't be too much longer until Sinister Industries has a brand new release.


April 20, 2019

Finally got around to adding an extra two scenes to my prequel/reboot script FRIDAY THE 13TH: FIRST FRIDAY, which ties it more closely to the already established canon. I feel a little better about the page count now. Time to start looking for a script agent.


April 14, 2019

Had a music recording session today for BOARD GAME: Part Two. Really proud of the fact that I got to use the phrase "less cowbell" at some point in my life.


February 28, 2019

Just finished episode 7 of my TV-series script called THEY WALK AMONG US! Episode 7 is a total of 26 pages, bringing the grand total for Season 1 to 187 pages, with 19 days invested. Will there be a Season 2...maybe next year.


February 23, 2019

Finished writing episode 6 of THEY WALK AMONG US! It's 27 pages total for the episode, 161 pages total for the Season, and 15 days invested so far. That is the official end of Season 1, but I want to write a Christmas Special before I call it quits.


February 19, 2019

Just finished episode 5 of my TV-series THEY WALK AMONG US! This episode was only 25 pages, but that's still a total of 134 pages for the season, and only 10 days invested so far.


February 16, 2019

Finished the script for episode 4 of my TV-series THEY WALK AMONG US!...27 pages for the episode, 109 pages for the season, 8 days invested. The past 4 episodes I've cranked out were rewrites of incomplete material from a decade ago, but the next couple episides have to be invented from scratch, so they should take a little bit longer.


February 14, 2019

Finished writing episode 3 of my TV-series THEY WALK AMONG US! 27 pages for the episode, 84 pages total, 5 days invested so far.


February 12, 2019

Finished writing the 2nd episode of THEY WALK AMONG US!...it's 26 pages long, and as far as the complete Season is concerned, I have 2 of 6 episodes done, and a Christmas Special planned.


February 11, 2019

For my first screenwriting project of the year, I'm working on a TV-sitcom called THEY WALK AMONG US! The first episode is 29 pages and only took 3 days...I can't promise that the whole season will only take a whole month to write, but I can say that episode 2 is on the way.


February 3, 2019

Uploaded a throwback-script to the website from the early days of Sinister Industries...Sid the Squid's first completed screenplay from all the way back in 2006 called MedioCORE, Or How Misfortune Made Martin Moyer's Movie-Career...hope you find it entertaining. 


January 23, 2019

Cast list for BOARD GAME: Part Two is up on the Sinister Industries website. That can only mean one thing...a new release is on the way. 

November 29, 2018 at 10:32 PM

Finished doctoring my freshman script MedioCORE...added a 10-page patch to the Third Act to bring the page-count up to 77. Sure, it was already 95% complete before I started working on it this week, but the exciting part isn't reclaiming this script from my archives, it's the prospect of all the other half-finished projects I've abandoned over the years that I can finish now. I've got at least 3 or 4 writing projects lined up already for next year.

November 26, 2018 at 12:21 AM

So Sinister Industries has some big plans in December, but there's still a few more days before the end of this month, so I was looking through my archived material, and came across my first attempt at a full-length screenplay. See, Sinister Industries officially started in 2011, but its roots can be traced all the way back to 2006 when I wrote a comedy called MedioCORE, Or How Misfortune Made Martin Moyer's Movie Career. This script was written in an obsolete file format, so I had to transfer it to WordPerfect, losing all the formatting in the process. After a couple hours of reformatting, the final page-count is 65, so if I spend a day or two cleaning the script up, changing the ending and writing a new scene or two, I can add another screenplay to the Sinister Industries collection this year.

October 15, 2018

Tonight I finished my script for FRIDAY THE 13TH: First Friday. It's only 70 pages, but it also only took 15 days to write...my fastest feat yet (I didn't want to spend a lot of effort on what is essentially fan-fiction).

October 11, 2018

Finished Act 2 of FRIDAY THE 13TH: First Friday. 50 pages in 10 days. The good news: at this pace I'll be done in less than a week. The bad news: final page-count estimates are around 70, which is really short for a screenplay...but then again it is in the slasher genre.

October 6, 2018

Just finished writing Act 1 of my new horror-script FRIDAY THE 13TH: First Friday. 6 days, 20 pages, 2 more Acts to write by Halloween.

October 2, 2018

Since it's October now, I started writing a new horror-script last night. It's a reboot/prequel of Friday the 13th, and if I don't have it done by Halloween...well, I guess that means I'm just not much of a writer.

September 9, 2018

Just for fun, here's the budget for BOARD GAME: Part Two...

Actor's Fees... $785
Piece of Artwork... $125
Alcohol... $73.86
Pizza... $48.07
Sd Card... $31.68
Floodlight... $23
Limes ... $1
Wasted... $21.19
=Total... $1108.80

By contrast, Part One cost $1360.25 to produce, with the whole project costing around $2469.05.

August 29, 2018

Another loss this week as another friend of mine passed: Josh Hahn, who I have known for about a decade, and who played the role of Rocko in BOARD GAME: Part Two. He will be missed.

August 6, 2018

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that Nate McNew, one of the actors that helped create BOARD GAME: The Movie, has passed away over the weekend. He only had a line or two in the movie, but he wasn't just an extra...he was my best friend. R.I.P.

July 15, 2018

It's about halfway throught the year, I'd just like to do an update on Sinister Industries yearly goals, which were (in order of importance):

1) Relaunch Youtube channel
3) Edit/Release BOARD GAME: Part Two
4) Write a screenplay

...So far, I've completed the Youtube channel relaunch, and writting a screenplay. Elroy has entered Bodysnatched into 5 different film festivals, so we can garauntee a release before the year's end. I've also mostly editted BOARD GAME: Part Two, so hopefully that will be released by the year's end as well. Only 5 and a half more months to go in order to clear my list, which is something I was unable to do last year.

June 13, 2018

Watched BOARD GAME : Part Two v1.0 this week, came up with a list of about 40 points that needed fixing, and just finished polishing it into v1.1, now I just have to repeat this process 3 or 4 more times before I can release it.

June 8, 2018

Burned a copy of BOARD GAME: Part Two v1.0 and plan on reviewing it tonight. This version is without sound-effects and music, but since I have all of next week off I plan on getting this thing ready for release soon.

June 6, 2018

More editing on BOARD GAME: Part Two tonight...it's almost in a form that is watchable.

June 4, 2018

Shot some insert footage for BOARD GAME: Part Two tonight. Uploading it and assembling it right now.

June 3, 2018

Starting to polish my rough cut of BOARD GAME: Part Two again. Now that I'm color correcting it, things are looking a lot better.

April 28, 2018

Found some missing footage from BOARD GAME: Part Two, so I've been editing on that all weekend.

April 18, 2018

Did some polishing on the rough-cut of BOARD GAME: Part Two tonight...it just might be the roughest rough-cut I've ever worked on.

April 13, 2018

Now that production on BOARD GAME:The Movie is finally over, I've thrown together a rough-cut that clocks in at 36 minutes. There's still a lot of inserts to add, and a lot or excess to trim, but right now I'm sure at can hit my runtime goal of 35 min.

April 12, 2018

Getting ready for the last day of production on BOARD GAME: Part Two...hope i get all the footage i need.

April 2, 2018

Shot some insert footage and recorded some ADR tonite for BOARD GAME: Part Two...starting to get things lined up for the last shoot.

April 1, 2018

Uploaded my movies to my Youtube channel just in time for April Fools day, including new content...check it out!

March 22, 2018

Did some editing on the rough-cut of BOARD GAME: Part Two...I've got 19 minutes out of 36 so far. Also finished work on BOARD GAME: Part One, so that means my Youtube Channel relaunch is very near.

March 18, 2018

Had a successful shoot tonight. Got most of the material i needed. One more shoot aughtta wrap things up

March 13, 2018

Spending the night rough-cutting scenes together for BOARD GAME: Part Two

March 12, 2018

Went over BOARD GAME: Part One tonight...just a few more changes and it will be ready for the youtube channel relaunch

March 11, 2018

Been editing BOARD GAME: Part Two in prep for shooting the last footage for BGP2 next weekend. Also reviewing BGP1 for the youtube channel relaunch.

February 26, 2018

Think i finally have I Stand at the Doorway ready for the youtube channel relaunch. Right now organizing footage from my last shooting session of BOARD GAME: Part Two, but this weekend I'll also be working on the release of BOARD GAME: Part One.

February 3, 2018

Spending the day color correcting BOARD GAME: Part One in preparation for my Youtube channel re-launch

January 28, 2018

Posted some trailers to my Youtube channel, and spent all week getting ready to re-launch my Youtube channel...everything should be up in a few more weeks, so stay posted.

January 24, 2018

Just spent all day color correcting I Stand at the Doorway for the Sinister Industries Youtube channel relaunch...soon

January 22, 2018

Had a successful 4th shooting session for BOARD GAME: Part Two. Now that the primary part of the movie is done, all i need is 1 or 2 shooting sessions to finish the supplemental part.

January 6, 2018

In between shooting sessions for BOARD GAME: Part Two, I decided to cut a quick trailer for BOARD GAME: The Movie. Now I just have to fine tune it before I can release it on Youtube.

January 1, 2018

So it's a new year, and that means it's time to review last year's resolutions. My first goal was to write a screenplay, which I did with a script called FOUND FOOTAGE. My second goal was to release BOARD GAME: Part One, a goal which I failed to meet because I spent the time needed painstakingly animating a Sinister Industries logo to go in front of it. My last goal was to finish production on BOARD GAME: Part Two...well, I'm so close to being done that I'm just gonna call this one a success. So now...Sinister Industries goals for 2018 in order of importance:

1) Relaunch Youtube channel


3) Edit/Release BOARD GAME: Part Two

4) Write a screenplay

December 2, 2017

3rd shooting session of BOARD GAME : Part Two tonight...this is about the halfway point in production.

November 11, 2017

Been editing the footage from the first shooting session of BOARD GAME: Part Two. There are some parts I need to reshoot, but overall I'm excited to improvise some scenes tonight for the second shooting session of BGP2.

October 30, 2017

Importing footage from the first shooting session of BOARD GAME: Part Two. The picture quality looks alright...now let's just hope the audio is clear enough

October 28, 2017

Getting ready for my first production shoot for BOARD GAME: Part Two. I've already rescheduled it twice, so I'm as prepared as I can get right now.

October 8, 2017

Just re-shot my pre-production footage for the BOARD GAME: Part Two shooting session next week. Why?...Because there's no such thing as being over-prepared.

September 30, 2017

First day of production on BOARD GAME: Part Two. I hate to postpone my Youtube channel relaunch when I'm so close to completion, but I have to concentrate on immediate priorities. Hoping things go smoothly tonight.

September 24, 2017

Just finished making my pre-production video for the first shooting session of BOARD GAME: Part Two.

September 22, 2017 

Finally moving into production on BOARD GAME: Part Two. Also, I'm only a few weeks away from my youtube channel relaunching. Time to start making some moves.

September 3, 2017

Finished animating the Sinister Industries logo this weekend after 4 months of work.

Monday, June 12, 2017 at 10:19pm

More animation tonight. I finished 4 frames of my drill-cycle over the weekend, and the design looks great, but when I animate it, it looks like shit. My only option is to double the amount of frames to 8 and hope that it makes things look better.


Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 5:30pm

More animation work this weekend. I'm trying to create a new cycle for a drill this time...rest assured, it will be a colossal pain in the ass


Monday, June 5, 2017 at 10:21am

I'm up to 330 animation-frames; however, since the walk-cycle turned out to be too slow, almost half of the walk-cycle frames will go unused...still, it's always better to have too many frames than not enough.


Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 5:23pm

Finished with approximately 250 frames...that's roughly 12 seconds of animated footage.


Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 11:14am

Ok, just double-checked all my work from last night, and threw together a test-run...everything checks out. Now the animating process will get easier for a little bit before turning difficult again at the end.


Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 1:51am

Spent many hours and drank many drinks, and now my walk-cycle animation is complete. I've got 97 frames total so far, and my rate of production should be increasing now.


Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 6:30pm

Finished making all 43 frames of the walk-cycle...at least the first phase of it. Glad I could knock this part out over the weekend...on to the next phase.


Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 11:05pm

Finished working on 25 frames of the walk-cycle animation...I just spent an entire day working for only a second of footage.


Friday, May 26, 2017 at 9:15pm

More animation work tonight. Finished making a template for the walk-cycle...now I just need to make the individual frames.


Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 10:29pm

It always sucks loosing a few hours of work, but I've decided to start over on my walk-cycle animation. Since those frames are going to be looped, they need to look more uniform so the flaws don't draw attention to themselves.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 10:25pm

More animation tonight...a lot of work still to do on the character's walk-cycle.


Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 8:23pm

Did sixty-frames of animation today...that's worth a couple seconds of footage.


Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 11:01pm

Finished character design for my animation...moving right along.


Monday, May 15, 2017 at 8:16pm

Working on some animation tonight. I need about 10 seconds worth, so that'll probably take me about...a month or two!



Saturday, May 6, 2017 at 5:09pm

Doing some audio editing and music placement this weekend


Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 9:01pm

Did a bunch of editing last night and tonight too. Soon approaching my channel relaunch


Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 12:34pm

Just finished doing all my color-correction work for this weekend...one step closer to re-launching my Youtube channel


Friday, April 28, 2017 at 9:53pm

Downloaded a professional color-grading plugin for Final Cut Pro X this week...I plan on dedicating this weekend to color-correction work.


Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 3:21pm

Just finished a full color-correction on BGP1v1.5...soon gonna be done for good.


Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 8:51pm

Doing a lot of work on BGP1v1.5 this week...or as I like to call it, The Final Cut


Monday, March 27, 2017 at 11:09pm

Did a lot of work on BGP1v1.5 tonight, and am getting my Youtube channel ready for a re-release.


Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 6:00pm

Finished working on BGP1v1.4, both just in time for Sinister Industries first-quarter goals.


Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 5:39pm

Doing a new audio mix on BOARD GAME: Part One version 1.4 this weekend...just for some perspective, I'm probably gonna release it to Youtube around version 1.5


Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 7:34pm

Finished adding music to BGP1 today, burning off a copy of version 1.3 right now. Very few tweaks left to make before it is ready for Youtube release.


Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 12:13am

Continuing audio work on BGP1v1.3, kinda lost interest in this for a little, but I'm back on track now. I've got a 3 day weekend, so i should be able to get through a lot of it.



Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 10:33pm

At the beginning of 2017, I listed my goals for the year, and while I still mean to accomplish all those goals, I also managed to complete a surprise screenplay that was not part of my stated game-plan titled FOUND FOOTAGE. As a fan of horror movies, I've seen my fair share of Found Footage flicks, and I've always wondered what happened to the people that found them...I guess now I know.


Saturday, January 14, 2017 at 5:30pm

Finished my checklist for BOARD GAME: Part One v1.3 so now i'm adding some music, and planning on doing a major audio remix before i'm completely done with this version.


Friday, January 13, 2017 at 8:42pm

Working on editing BOARD GAME: Part One v1.3 and so far have 3 points crossed off a 10 point checklist. Also bought a video capture device to turn my VHS footage into digital footage, and finished inserting it.


Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 7:54pm EST

Starting work on upgrading BOARD GAME v1.2 into v1.3 and adding some music into it along the way.


Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 7:47pm

Sinister Industries achievements for 2016: 1) finished post-production and released I STAND AT THE DOORWAY to Youtube. 2) finished production and post-production on BOARD GAME: PART ONE. 3) finished writing BOARD GAME: PART TWO second draft. Sinister Industries goals for 2017: 1) Release BOARD GAME: PART ONE to Youtube in the first quarter or the year. 2) Release BODYSNATCHED in the first quarter of the year. 3) Write the screenplay for new project TIME FOR LOVE (finished writing all 30 pages of Act 2 this month, wrote all 30 pages of Act 1 about a decade ago but I need to re-write it, which only leaves 60 total pages to finish) 4) Produce and edit BOARD GAME: PART TWO

Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 10:28pm

Spending the weekend recording the Bodysnatched soundtrack. Also, I watched Bodysnatched tonight for the first time...i gotta admit: I'm kinda moved. It's not perfect, but it's actually good (easily the best project i've worked on). It's a unique viewing experience...there's always something to look at. This inspires me to try my hand at another serious project in the future.


Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 11:32am

Just for fun, here's the budget of BOARD GAME: Part One... Red dice $1.90 Board game prints $6.36 Tablecloth $10.61 Projection screen $15 Corn syrup $2.56 Tubing $5.95 Wrapping paper $3.15 Lock $5 Caution tape $5 Sidewalk chalk $2.50 Beer $81 Actor fees $790 Pizza $107.06 Lights $5.75 Trash bags $6.14 Tape and glue $5.58 Lazy Susan $8.47 Electrical outlet $5.23 USB hub $14.99 32G SD card $52.99 Modernaire motel $50 Graphic Design $150 Wasted $25.01 Total $1360.25


Friday, December 2, 2016 at 10:01pm

Just had post-production session #1 for BODYSNATCHED with Freddie Graves, and reviewed about half the footage...I must admit; I'm impressed with the overall results. I haven't sat down and viewed the entire thing yet, so I can't say much, but I can say this...Bobby Harris is perfect (and the rest of y'all too).


Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 4:11pm

Ok, second draft of BOARD GAME: Part Two done...maxing out at 35 pages. Next project: completing a 10-point checklist for polishing BOARD GAME: Part One (v1.3).


Friday, November 25, 2016 at 2:04pm

30 pages of script done so far on the second draft of BOARD GAME: Part Two. I know I originally quoted 30 pages as my target goal, but now it's looking to be 35-40 pages because i added a subplot to it. I should be finished this weekend.


Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 9:40pm

Up to 18 pages on the second draft of BOARD GAME: Part Two. Official credits are posted on the Sinister Industries website for BODYSNATCHED. 


Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 4:19pm

On the first of the month, Sinister Industries announced plans to move forward on three projects, and nearly three weeks later I am happy to report that progress is being made on every project...in some cases a few months ahead of what was expected. The editing for BODYSNATCHED is nearing completion, the soundtrack for BOARD GAME: Part One is underway, and the second draft for BOARD GAME: Part Two is halfway done (15 pages out of 30).


Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 2:21pm EST

Lost about 10 pages of script for BOARD GAME: Part Two due to my own idiocy, so I started writing a new draft. I'm not at the point where all the lost material has been recovered, but this draft is already better than the last attempt, so that's the silver lining I guess. 10 pages out of 30 done.


Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 11:10pm

Burned a new copy of BGP1v1.2 for fine-tuning. Been working on the script for BGP2 (2nd draft)...up to 10 pages so far.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:30pm

So I set a deadline for myself that if I didn't get BOARD GAME: Part Two cast by Halloween, then I was going to shut production down until spring when the days are longer. Now that Halloween has passed, I'm shutting shit down with the hopes of moving the production to Pittsburgh next year. During the months between, Sinister Industries will pursue the following projects: 1) Releasing BOARD GAME: Part One to the Sinister Industries Youtube channel in January/February 2) Completely rewriting BOARD GAME: Part Two 3) Releasing BODYSNATCHED on DVD to the Sinister Industries website


Friday, October 21, 2016 at 8:04pm

Finished working on BGP1v1.1 so I'm burning a new copy. Taught myself some nifty color-correction tricks along the way...why didn't I figure this shit out when I was working on I Stand at the Doorway?


Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 9:08pm

Burned BOARD GAME: Part One version 1.0 on DVD Monday night and watched it. Came up with a list of 20 points and plowed through them tonight...probably gonna have v1.1 ready for screening by the weekend.


Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 6:53pm

So...for better or for worse, I guess I've got my preview-cut thrown together for BOARD GAME: Part One. I guess that means I can enter Phase 1 of the release by next week maybe.


Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 2:36pm

Been working on BOARD GAME Part 1 here and there all week, now I have all weekend to try and finish up maybe. Evaluating this newest project against my last one: the overall quality hasn't increased, but I feel like I'm getting a lot better at improvisation...which is like taking nothing and turning it into runtime.


Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 4:16pm

Working on editing the final 10 minutes of BOARD GAME: The Movie (Part 1)...getting real close to a preview-cut.


Saturday, October 8, 2016 at 3:10pm

Shot some good insert footage today...all the visual footage for BGTMp1 is shot now...might just need a little ADR left to shoot.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 9:55pm

Doing a little work on BOARD GAME: The Movie (Part 1) tonight. Raiding all the B-roll audio for any interesting scraps to use, even building conversations to fill in some of the silent parts.


Saturday, October 1, 2016 at 3:36pm

I've got a list of 12 points for the first 25 minutes of audio for BOARD GAME: The Movie (Part 1). Trying to get this thing in shape for an initial round of previewing. Also shot some insert footage today...maybe more tomorrow.


Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 9:24pm

Doing some more audio-editing tonight. I've got a list of spots that need fixing, and about 20 minutes of polished-cut out of 35 minutes total...lost about 30 seconds so far from tightening everything up.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 8:55pm

Doing sound editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie (Part 1) tonight. Got about 11 minutes polished out of 35 minutes of rough-cut. Can't wait to drop this shit.


Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 7:29pm

Today I decided that I will release BOARD GAME: The Movie in 2 parts on Youtube (the complete movie will still be available on DVD when it is finished). What does that mean for you? It means that you don't have to wait for Part 2 to be completed before you see Part 1. This means that within couple months I will be adding some new content to my Youtube channel...GET PSYCHED!!!


Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 11:14am

Starting work on audio-editing BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1...I've procrastinated long enough.


Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 5:10pm

Editing BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1A. I'm up to 32 minutes of runtime. I should shoot past my 35 minute goal in no time...this makes me feel a lot better.


Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 5:30pm

Importing footage for BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1A. This section of the movie should be to very quick and fun to edit.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 9:48pm

So....I'm working on the end of Part 1 for BOARD GAME: The Movie. My current approximate runtime is 24min 45sec. I'm not quite done working on it, but I feel like this is an acceptable figure given my goals. I stand to lose some more runtime as things get tightened up, but I also have some play room with Part 1A.


Monday, September 5, 2016 at 5:12pm

More editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie tonight. I'm up to 21 minutes of rough-cut on Part 1...only 4 more minutes to squeeze out of this thing.


Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 11:47am

Working on editing BGTM during my 3-day Labor Day weekend. Up to 20 minutes of rough-cut so far...I need approximately 25 minutes total.


Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 10:10pm

More editing on BGTM tonight. I'm up to 19 minutes of rough-cut so far...my target is 25 min.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 10:23pm

Doing some editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1 tonight...up to 17 minutes of rough cut so far.


Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:19pm

Shot some preproduction footage for BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 2 today. I'm up to 15 minutes worth of rough-cut on Part 1. I was also reviewing some footage from Part 1A...looks like I've got an estimated 10 minutes of runtime there.


Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 8:17pm

Doing editing on BGTM all weekend...up to 12 minutes of rough-cut. I'm starting on the bathroom-scene, which occurs in the script at page 13.


Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 12:26pm

Shot an hour's worth of footage with an actor at one of the locations...lots of good filler to pad the runtime with.


Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 3:09pm

Doing some editing on BGTMp1...up to 11 minutes of rough-cut so far.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 10:00pm

Shot some insert footage yesterday...it was the third separate attempt, but it pays to put in the time to get it right. Organizing the footage from session#5 of BGTM in the timeline, and then it's off to the races.


Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 5:06pm

Editing BGTM today...I'm up the 9-minute mark on my rough-cut, which is right when everyone is seated around the board for the first time.


Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 1:56pm

So I've got all weekend to try and get some work done on BGTM...I've been editing a little so far today. Until I get a rough cut of this thing, I won't really know if I've got enough footage or not.


Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 10:32pm

Another night of editing on BGTM. On this newest pass, I'm up to 5 minutes of rough-cut...every little bit counts


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 8:56pm

shot some insert material for BGTM...uploading it now, and then I can really start editing things together for Part 1. I've got a couple of other insert shots to shoot, as well as a whole bunch of pre-production video for Part 2.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 8:35pm

Doing some editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1...an additional minute added to the runtime.


Monday, July 11, 2016 at 9:53pm

Editing the first scene of BOARD GAME: The Movie. Managed to squeeze a minute of runtime out of the first 2 shots...got a lot more runtime where that came from.


Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 4:24pm

Just got done with session#6 for BOARD GAME: The Movie. Things went really well. Got a lot of footage that advanced the total runtime. Thankfully, I got the motel room with the creepy paintings on the wall. Now Part 1 is finished...onward to Part 2!


Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 1:01pm EDT

Spending the day getting stuff ready for BGTM session#6. I'm also taking some time to upload and arrange the footage from session#5. Might even do a little editing to see what kind of runtime I'm working with at the moment.


Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:56pm EDT

Starting to get stuff in order for session #5 of BOARD GAME: The Movie next weekend. Time to get this train moving again.


Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 9:23am

Ok, so i guess the website is functional enough to be declared operational. It's not very glamorous, but I can always improve that later... so check it out, share it around, talk about it at the water-cooler. 


Thursday, June 9, 2016 at 4:27pm

So, the Printer is working on my order of DVDs...should have some copies available soon. Up next: finishing my website, and continuing work on BOARD GAME: The Movie.



Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 9:52pm

Trying to move past ISATD...Finished writing new material for BGTM. Working on getting my webpage up and running as well; trying to get ISATD DVD's made up too.


Monday, May 23, 2016 at 6:54pm

It's been 24 hours since I uploaded ISATD to Youtube, and already over 50 views. While it's thrilling to see complete strangers enjoying my movie, 50 views probably doesn't amount to much on Youtube, so don't forget to share that shit on your walls, and give it a thumbs-up on Youtube. Thank you all for your help in making this dream come true. My next step is to cut a trailer quick.



Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 9:13am

World premier over here! 


Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 9:06pm

ISATDv1.5 is uploading to Youtube right now, so I've been using my time meanwhile to work on the webpage for my production company...movie should be up by tomorrow as long as I don't hit any snags


Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 9:12pm

Putting the finishing touches on ISATDv1.5 today (I hope). Going to try uploading it to youtube this weekend.


Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 10:49am

Working on my webpage before I upload ISATDv1.5 to youtube.


Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 1:20pm

Working on finishing ISATDv1.4...at least I guess I'm up to that many versions. Planning on dropping it on Youtube by v1.5 hopefully.


Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:44pm

Ok, more color correction on ISATDv1.3, gotta get this thing finalized so I can dedicate more resources to BGTMp1A.


Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 6:13pm

Been working on ISATDv1.3 all weekend...gotta start working on color-correction.


Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 10:27am

Haven't done any movie-work for the past 2 weeks cuz i needed a little break after non-stop work on multiple projects for 3 months. Now it's time to get back to work...I think I know how I'm going to move forward with BOARD GAME: The Movie now.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 8:03pm

Well, successfully burned ISADTv1.2 onto a DVD. Didn't watch it yet; I'm doing a little audio polishing, since copy&pasting causes odd gaps between some of the audio for some reason. Looks like Easter's gonna come early this year...


Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 12:29pm

Working on ISATDv1.2 today. Gotta do a couple more tweaks, then it should be ready for Phase #2 of the release. The current runtime is 70 minutes and 20 seconds, so I have some trimming room. Keep your eyes peeled...this means you!


Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 11:32am

Working on ISATDv1.2 this weekend. Got 12 points completed off a 28 point list...mostly just small tweaks. I've got about 30 or 40 seconds to make up in runtime, but some of the changes on the list include extending scenes to clarify story-issues...shouldn't be any problem to get that time back.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 11:38pm

Working on ISATDv1.2 tonight...got 6-and-a-half points finished from a 28-point editing list.


Monday, March 14, 2016 at 8:50pm

Working on editing ISATDv1.2 tonight...I've got 5 points crossed off from a 28-point checklist so far.


Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 2:10pm

Back to editing I Stand at the Doorway...I should have version 1.2 released within a week or two.


Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:29am

Production Session #5 for BOARD GAME: The Movie. I'm pretty much prepared now, but since I've fallen behind on editing, I'm shooting without a safety net...just gotta play it by ear a little.


Friday, March 11, 2016 at 8:41am

Last time I had a production session for BOARD GAME, I was more prepared than I'd ever been. Now for my shoot tomorrow, I feel under-prepared. Good thing I had the foresight to actually take a day off today...time to get to work!


Monday, March 7, 2016 at 9:27pm

Ok...editing BOARD GAME Part 1 for the next week until the shoot this weekend. I hate having to put I Stand at the Doorway on the back-burner again, because it's so close to being done, but I can't allow my current projects to suffer just because I'm getting impatient.


Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 6:51pm

Did some writing on BOARD GAME: The Movie Part 1A today. Got a lot of good input on I Stand at the Doorway, so I'm gonna switch over to editing version 1.2, but I can't afford to do any Doorway work next week...gotta get ready for the first production date of Part 1A next weekend.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 8:01pm

Doing some work on I Stand at the Doorway v1.1 so far tonight. Trimmed out a character-break, switch 2 shots in the Hypnosis scene to make it play better, and cut the drive-thru scene (which had no purpose in the story other than to take up 90 seconds)...now I've got to create 45 seconds somehow.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 11:43pm

Not much time to do anything tonight, but I have started working on I Stand at the Doorway v1.1 a little. I rearranged 2 scenes in order to solve 3 issues...still a lot of work to do before I'm done entirely.


Monday, February 29, 2016 at 8:55pm

Spending the extra 24 hours granted by Leap Day behind the editing station working on the beginning of Part 1. Edited a 90 second scene from Part 1A last night, so I guess I'm already ahead of schedule on that part of production...but the whole time what I'm really thinking about is I Stand at the Doorway. I'm already drawing up a list of proposed changes.


Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 10:13pm

At the risk of over posting today...I've been editing BOARD GAME: The Movie today. I've been working on the beginning of Part 1, and added several minutes to the rough cut already.


Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 3:55pm

I Stand at the Doorway has officially entered Phase #1 of its release. I burned 2 copies of the rough-cut (version 1.0) and gave a copy to the producer and the lead actress. After I get their feedback and polish the movie some more, we will enter Phase #2, in which version 1.1 will be available to the rest of the cast in roughly 2 to 3 weeks (I know you guys have been eagerly waiting the past 42 months in order to see this, but please...just a little longer). After another round of feedback and polishing, I will initiate Phase #3, in which version 1.2 will be released on Youtube (probably)...get ready for the world premier!


Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 2:16pm

Switching back over to editing BOARD GAME: The Movie for a few weeks. Importing some insert shots, and piecing together the first few minutes of the movie.


Friday, February 26, 2016 at 8:40pm

Working on I Stand at the Doorway tonight. Downloaded the few sound effects that I needed, and am dropping them in the soundtrack. I've got about 30 seconds of excess running over the 70-minute mark...that means that I have a little trimming room when it comes to polishing this movie.


Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 6:26pm

Editing I Stand at the Doorway tonight (and I worked on it a little last night too). Polishing the music, then adding a few sound effects, and working on the credits some more.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 6:20pm

Working on adding music to I Stand at the Doorway. After that I've got sound effects to add.


Monday, February 22, 2016 at 8:08pm

Working on I Stand at the Doorway tonight (and a little earlier today too). I'm at the stage where I'm adding music, and I gotta admit, this is my favorite part...the music really makes the movie seem to come to life.


Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 5:12pm

Editing I Stand at the Doorway tonight. Hoping to get all of the POV footage finished tonight...that'll be a huge obstacle out of the way.


Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 8:40am

Up early editing I Stand at the Doorway. I just wanna get this shit done already and move on, but I don't think that's gonna happen this weekend


Friday, February 19, 2016 at 8:21pm

Some more editing on I Stand at the Doorway tonight...I'm never using that shitty Drift HD helmet-cam in a production again.


Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 8:52pm

Working on I Stand At the Doorway again tonight. I'm working on the POV footage, which involves cutting the footage up frame-by-frame, deleting every other frame, and slowing them all down to half-speed in order to smooth the footage out. As you can guess, it's a colossal pain in the ass.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 8:18pm

Just doing some work on I Stand at the Doorway tonight.


Monday, February 15, 2016 at 9:26pm

Just did about an hour of insert shots for BOARD GAME: The Movie - Part 1 with cameraman Luke Anderson. This doesn't mean that I haven't shifted my focus back to I Stand at the Doorway...I hope to have a viewable version done by the end of the week...but no promises.


Monday, February 15, 2016 at 1:50pm

So, for President's day I decided I'm going to give BOARD GAME: The Movie a rest, and try to finish I Stand at the Doorway...here goes.


Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 10:04am

All the footage for BOARD GAME: The Movie is imported (including the VHS footage). I've already started syncing the audio with the raw footage chronologically in the timeline. The GoPro captured some usable footage this time. Got the next 2 days off...time to get to work.


Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 7:53am

Last day of Production on BOARD GAME: The Movie - Part 1. Got up early and started working on storyboards. Got a couple other things to do that I didn't get done last night, but overall I've never been more thoroughly prepared for a production in my life. Got a lot of work to do today...time to kill this shit.


Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7:34pm

Getting all the preparation done for the last day of production on BOARD GAME tomorrow...including all the VHS editing.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 8:10pm

Might do some editing on BOARD GAME (up to 12 min) but I've been focusing on getting things ready for the last production day. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Edit footage using 2 VCRs!


Monday, February 8, 2016 at 8:36pm

Ok, so editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie tonight (of course). Up to 11 minutes of rough-cut footage. I've been playing around with the Match Color function on FCPX and it gives all the footage a uniform tone. It's almost time to start gathering ingredients for an old Squid-family recipe: corn-syrup + water + red food-coloring = fake-blood


Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 10:16am

Looking forward to another day of editing BOARD GAME: The Movie. Up to 9 minutes of rough-cut footage so far, but I'm worried that I'm averaging less than a minute per script page. If I can only get 20 min of footage out of the 25 page script, then that only means that Part 1A will have to be 30 min instead of 20. That's not a problem, but it does raise an interesting question: how much of my life is this project going to absorb now that it's started growing?


Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 12:40pm

Pushed the last production date for part 1 of BOARD GAME: The Movie back a week, which will give me more time to edit. Gonna try to get a rough-cut finished by then. I have a full weekend ahead of me, and a 3-day weekend next week...already past 4 minutes of rough cut.


Friday, February 5, 2016 at 8:50pm

Just doing some pre-postproduction editing on BOARD GAME: The Movie. Up to about 3.5 min.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 11:29pm

Day 3 of pre-postproduction on BOARD GAME: The Movie (10 days left). No work yesterday. Total 2 and a half minutes of a medium-shot/close-up rough-cut done. This new editing workflow has increased my efficiency by a dozen-fold. Aside from editing at night, I've started working on writing new scenes during the day when I'm away from my editing-station...things are just starting to get fun.


Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 10:25am

So all the footage from Session 2&3 of BOARD GAME: The Movie is sorted chronologically in the timeline and synced up with the audio...all 6 hours of it. My only major mistake was not recording secondary audio for one shot yesterday, so there's about 10 minutes of secondary audio missing...nothing that I can't work around. Editing a movie that is in the middle of production is a luxury that I've never had before, and I intend to take full advantage of it...time to get to work.


Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 9:02am

Woke up early; getting ready for the shoot. When I was arranging the footage last night, I couldn't hear the VHS-camcorder in the background, so I did a camera test, and it's completely silent (unless you're right next to it), which means that I may have as many as 3 cameras simultaneously rolling at once today.


Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 8:45pm

Instead of editing I Stand At the Doorway tonight, I've been chronologically arranging the clips from Session #2 of BOARD GAME: The Movie with their matching audio files. This is anticipation of Session #3 this weekend, so that I can immediately jump into editing that movie for a week, giving myself a better idea of what kind of footage I need to shoot for Session #4, thereby finishing the shoot on time with no reshoots (despite the ruined footage from Session #1). For those of you who have been following my Doorway progress, my apologies...I'm so close to finishing it, and now I have to put it on the back-burner for a week. The anticipation is seriously killing me.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 6:39am

Polishing the audio on the last scene on I Stand At the Doorway...now I just have to start adding the visuals. I've got the next 4 days off, so hopefully I can get most of this work done.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 9:58pm

I was planning on going out to the movies tonight, but it's too damn cold, so I stayed inside and worked on editing I Stand at the Doorway instead. Got the audio tracks selected and laid, which is only half the work considering that none of the audio is supposed to sync with the picture. I've never built a scene like this before; starting with the audio and then overlaying the picture...hope it works.


Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 10:25am

Did a little editing on I Stand at the Doorway yesterday, doing some more this morning. I got the next 3 days off...time to get this finished.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 9:41pm

Editting I Stand at the Doorway tonight. 40 min out of 70 min completed (or 57%...past the halfway-point).


Monday, January 11, 2016 at 10:19pm

More Doorway work tonight...38 min out of 70 done.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 4:06pm

Did some editing on Doorway this morning, and hoping on getting in another couple of hours today. 29 min out of 70.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 12:15pm

Doing some editing on I Stand at the Doorway this morning. I'm up to 27 min of viewable rough-cut.


Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 6:25pm

Doing a little more editing on I Stand at the Doorway tonight.


Friday, January 1, 2016 at 12:35pm

My New Years resolution...to finish editing I Stand At the Doorway within the next 6 months.


Saturday, December 26, 2015 at 12:19pm

Polishing audio on I Stand At the Doorway. Inserting J/L-cuts to smooth things out. Basically working on the same 10 minutes of footage over and over until it's done right.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 9:29pm

Doing some sound editing work on I Stand at the Doorway. I already have the first 22 minutes of rough audio-cut completed, but for some reason I decided to go back to the beginning and polish the audio up...got 10 minutes of polished audio now.


Monday, December 21, 2015 at 9:27pm

Re-shot my close-ups from Session#2 tonight...apparently no fill-light was not the way to go. Importing the footage now...then I might start doing some more editing on I Stand at the Doorway (did some work on it last night as well.)


Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 9:41am

Day 2 of production on BOARD GAME: The Movie. I'm more prepared for this session, so I actually have a chance to relax and meditate before shooting starts today. Got my shots all lined up, so today should be a breeze.


Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 10:09am

Day 1 of production on BOARD GAME: The Movie. Had a nightmare last night that I went out to grab some last minute supplies, then suddenly realized I was running late. All the actors were waiting at the location, and no matter how I tried to rush back, obstacles kept getting in my way. Woke up in a panic...now I'm on my way to grab some last minute supplies.


Friday, December 11, 2015 at 8:33pm

Last day of pre-production for BOARD GAME: The Movie. Think I got everything lined up for tomorrow. Not nervous...not frustrated...just tired.


Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 1:33pm

This is the last week of pre-production for BOARD GAME: The Movie. Spending the day running around town, picking up props and other items. Then I gotta re-read the script and make a shot-list for Session #1.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 10:05pm

Another night of editing I Stand At the Doorway...can't stop won't stop!


Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 4:44pm

More editing today on I Stand At the Doorway. Got the Dumpster scene finished, moving on to the Bedroom scene. About 22 minutes of VIEWABLE rough-cut finished (out of approximately 70 min),


Monday, November 30, 2015 at 9:35pm

Doing some more editing tonight. Got the first half of the dumpster scene done, but that was the hardest (and windiest) segment of the scene to do. Here's hoping that the 2nd half goes smoother. I also have tomorrow off, so I hope I can get more editing done.


Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 11:29am

Doing some more editing on I Stand At the Doorway today before the big meal. Got the next 4 days off, so hopefully I can dedicate a bunch of that time towards working on that movie (since I didn't do any work on it last weekend). And also, I promise to have production-scheduling finished for BOARD GAME: The Movie by the end of today.


Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:37pm

Just finished casting for BOARD GAME: The Movie. There is probably one more week of pre-production work before we launch into production.


Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 5:18pm

Now that all the audio tracks are laid, I'm doing some real sound editing/cleaning up scenes for the viewable rough-cut of I Stand At the Doorway.


Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 11:53am

Finished laying audio tracks for another scene in I Stand at the doorway...on to the next scene.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 8:32pm

Finished laying audio tracks for the scene I started working on earlier this week. 52 min of audio tracks laid out, ready for fine tuning...approximately 18 min left.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 9:23pm

Doing some more audio work on I Stand at the Doorway tonight. It's not much, but I've spent a couple other nights in the past month working on this, so it's starting to add up. Slowly crawling my way to the finish-line.


Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 6:20pm

As a gift to you all (at least those involved in the project) I'm doing some sound editing on I Stand At the Doorway before I go out trick-or-treating.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 4:36pm

Doing a little audio work on a new scene in I Stand at the Doorway...more later.


Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 12:56pm

Doorway Update: Just finished laying audio tracks for a scene from the island that I started editing last week. More to come.


Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 3:40pm

Doing a little audio editting today on I Stand At the Doorway.


Sunday, July 5, 2015 at 11:01pm

Doorway: Re-shot and uploaded some insert-footage today. Also went fishing for some more missing audio and came up empty handed...I've got at least one audio track for each shot, so no big problems there. Not too much work accomplished over the weekend, but I've been more productive on this project in the past couple weeks than I have in been in the last 6 months, so I hope to continue this trend.


Friday, July 3, 2015 at 11:06am

Doing some early morning sound editing on I Stand At the Doorway. I have the next three days off, and hopefully I can get through a large chunk of this tedious labor.


Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 6:38pm

More sound-editing work on I Stand At the Doorway tonight. About 28 minutes worth of sound-tracks laid for future mixing. Currently working on 2ndGroupIntro...one of the earliest scenes shot for the movie.


Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 8:47pm

Doing some more sound editing tonight (scene Street1)...tryna do this more during the week, since I get lazy on the weekends.


Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 8:15pm

DOORWAY UPDATE: doing some sound editing for the PsychHome scene. Promise I'll try to do this stuff more often, and finally get this project finished.


Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 9:31pm

DOORWAY UPDATE: Just re-edited a scene with some insert footage. There's some alternate sound that needs cut in, but I should be ready to move on to the scene PsychHome for reediting next weekend.


Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 8:19pm

Just finished laying in all the audio tracks for Psychiatrist Scene#2 in I Stand At the Doorway. Sorry, I know it's been a while since I've done anything with this project.


Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 12:30pm

UPDATE: been a while since I posted a Doorway update, because I haven't been doing work on it lately (moved into a new apartment recently, sorry for the lame excuse), but now I'm getting back in gear. Shot some ADR today , so now I can work on editing the end of the movie. More updates to come!


Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 6:41pm

Update: haven't done much new work in Doorway this week, laid a handful of audio-tracks...that is all.


Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 11:39am

Weekly Doorway Update: Got stalled on the video-editing end, so I've switched over to sound-editing; been digging through hours of audio and laying tracks all week. Also imported ADR, and also stumbled upon my abandoned footage from Pennhurst Insane Asylum...possible B-roll?


Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 10:48am

Update on I Stand at the Doorway: Didn't do shit last week, so this weekend I did some ADR. The remaining dozen or so minutes of this movie are going to be the most difficult to edit, so meanwhile I'm starting on the mountain of sound-editing work that still needs to be done.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 12:37am

Update: haven't done much work on Doorway for the past week or so...threw together a new scene, but didn't amount to more than a minute or two runtime-wise.


Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 5:05pm

UPDATE: Not much new for I Stand at the Doorway, just polishing up some rough footage today. Might finish up a new scene, and if I'm lucky, start work on the scene End#1.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 9:55pm

Been working on I Stand At the Doorway tonight. The good news: I imported 7 minutes of rough-cut from the first half of an earlier version, which will save me a couple hours of labor. The bad news: this footage needs to disassembled and reassembled with all the footage from scene End#2, along with all the B-roll footage that needs to be plundered for every usable frame. I feel like I'm running out of footage, but I'm really just getting started. 50 minutes of runtime so far.


Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 4:22pm

UPDATE: Doing some editing on I STAND AT THE DOORWAY this weekend. Finally have a rough cut of the scene End#2, which was no light task due to the huge amount of footage that was shot. Still need to be polished up, but I've got over 40 minutes of rough-cut done now. Also figured out how to make the footage from the helmet-cam look normal...a major victory.


Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 5:21pm

UPDATE: For those involved in I Stand At The Doorway...finished polishing the scenes I threw together in the last few weeks (no progress on sound editing for those scenes, tho). Working on some new scenes...finally breaking new ground. About 35 minutes of rough-cut total so far...more to come.


Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 9:37pm

Been polishing rough-scenes from I STAND AT THE DOORWAY all week...finding new life in this old project.


Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 10:07pm

It's been a while since I've worked on I STAND AT THE DOORWAY, so I fired up the old FCPX today and rough-cut a few scenes; Psych-scene#2, Psych-scene#3, and the Bathroom scene...more to come.


Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 2:32pm

Update on I STAND OT THE DOORWAY: got roughly 15 minutes done...Hospital scene (video and audio editing completed), Car-outside-hospital scene (this scene consists of one unbroken take, but since I have no back-up audio for this shot, I may re-edit it using close-ups that I do have back-up audio for), Waiting room (video and audio editing completed), Psychiatrist-visit#1 (video and audio editing completed, the notorious Crack-smoking scene (video and audio editing completed), Bedroom scene (video editing completed). Sorry for the slow progress everyone...I'm learning how to edit on FCPX at the same time, so things get a little bogged down. Stay tuned for my next update in about a month or so.


Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 6:53pm

To those whom it concerns: been working on a new edit of I STAND AT THE DOORWAY. Sorry for the long bouts of silence, but the project is still moving ahead slowly and surely.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 5:08pm

Spent a big chunk of the day learning final cut pro x and putting together some scenes for I Stand at the Doorway...to those whom it may concern.